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which of the following is an irrelevant cost

Hence, the manager will have to make ‘qualitative’ judgements, e.g. in deciding which of two personnel should be promoted to a managerial position. A ‘quantitative’ decision, on the other hand, is possible when the various factors, and relationships between them, are measurable. This chapter will concentrate on quantitative decisions based on data expressed in monetary value and relating to costs and revenues as measured by the management accountant.

The correct answer to the given question is option b) sunk costs. A ticket buyer who purchases a ticket in advance to an event they eventually turn out not to enjoy makes a semi-public commitment to watching it. To leave early is to make this lapse of judgment manifest to strangers, an appearance they might otherwise choose to avoid. As well, the person may not want to leave the event, because they have already paid, so they may feel that leaving would waste their expenditure. Alternatively, they may take a sense of pride in having recognized the opportunity cost of the alternative use of time. Variable costs may include labor, commissions, and raw materials.

Types of Relevant Costs

Do not forget that “fixed costs” may only be fixed in
the short term. Iii Any cost or benefit that does not differ between alternatives is irrelevant
and can be ignored in a decision. Iv All future revenues and/ or costs that do not differ between the
alternatives are irrelevant. V Sunk costs (costs irrevocably incurred) are always irrelevant since they
will be the same for any alternative.

Are fixed costs irrelevant in a decision quizlet?

Fixed costs are irrelevant in decisions about whether a product should be dropped. A product whose revenues do not cover its variable costs and its traceable fixed costs should usually be dropped.

Whether a cost is relevant or irrelevant depends on the decision at hand. A cost may be relevant to one decision and that same cost may be irrelevant to another decision. In the case of product W, buying is clearly cheaper than making in-house.

How Does This Cost Impact Product Management?

Opting for one alternative over another may mean sacrificing time, energy, even happiness, all of which are hard to place a quantitative value on. A sunk cost fallacy is often simplified to the idea of throwing good money after bad while refusing to cut one’s losses. Direct costs are expenses that can be directly traced to a product, while variable costs vary with the level of production output.

  • Zimglass Industries Ltd. has been approached by a customer who would like a special job to be done for him, and is willing to pay $60,000 for it.
  • The relevant costs are usually related to the short term, while the irrelevant costs are usually related to the long term.
  • While relevant costs are useful in short-term; but for the long-term, price should provide a sufficient profit margin above the total cost and not just the relevant costs.
  • “Lost opportunity” cost of $900 will therefore be included in the cost of the book for decision making purposes.
  • While evaluating two alternatives, the focus of analysis is on finding out which alternative is more profitable.

An Opportunity Cost is the loss of other alternatives when one option is chosen or no action is taken. Opportunity costs are unseen, not included in financial reports, and can often be forgotten about in capital budgeting. Part of the reason opportunity costs are unseen is because they consider Implicit Costs. An implicit cost is any cost that has already occurred but is not necessarily shown or reported as a separate expense. These costs are much harder to measure as they are not always quantitative. Being aware of trade-offs will allow managers to make better-educated investment decisions.

What Factors Lead to the Sunk Cost Fallacy in Decision-Making?

Managing both your direct and indirect spend with a centralized procurement software solution makes it easy to track costs and automate business procedures, eliminating nonessential spending. Understanding your business’s costs is the first step to making savings. While these functions are framed differently, regardless of the input ‘x’, the outcome is analytically equivalent. Therefore, if a rational decision maker were to choose between these two functions, the likelihood of each function being chosen should be the same. However, a framing effect places unequal biases towards preferences that are otherwise equal.

which of the following is an irrelevant cost

The costs incurred by a firm may be categorized into different buckets depending upon the application. Some examples of such costs could be fixed costs and variable costs, avoidable and unavoidable costs, relevant and irrelevant costs, opportunity costs, sunk costs, incremental and non-incremental costs etc. Various types of relevant costs are variable or marginal costs, incremental costs, specific costs, avoidable fixed costs, opportunity costs, etc. The irrelevant costs are fixed costs, sunk costs, overhead costs, committed costs, historical costs, etc. Usually, most variable costs are relevant as they vary depending on selected alternative.

Is opportunity cost irrelevant cost?

Differential, avoidable, and opportunity costs are considered relevant costs. Sunk and fixed overhead costs are irrelevant. Using examples to demonstrate these costs show us that which costs are included in what places depend on what decision is made and the specific situation.


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